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Petri Burtsoff
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ByHinders x Konfekt
Company x Crafts Magazine
Marimekko x Konfekt
Gulf of Bothnia x Monocle
Nato’s Cold Response x Monocle
Where the wild things are x SUITCASE Magazine
Karin Widnäs x Konkfekt
Lapland x Monocle
Savoy x Monocle
Fiskars x Monocle
Sanna Marin x Politico
World’s Biggest Refugee Camp x YLE
Fishermen in Southern India x YLE
The (Italian) Secrets of Old Age x YLE
Kenya’s Tech Boom x YLE
Sweatshops in Italy x YLE
The 2016 Italian Earthquake x YLE
Mafia, mafia, mafia x YLE
Tom of Finland movie x Monocle
Helsinki Food Neighbourhoods x Monocle
Whither the True Finns x Politico
Mozart for Wines x Monocle
Vatican at the Venice Biennale x Al-Jazeera