Italy suffered one the deadliest earthquakes in its modern history in August 2016. At the time, I was working as a Rome correspondent for the Finnish TV, and therefore lived not very far from the earthquake zone in the towns of Amatrice and Accumoli.

I was among the first journalists to arrive at the scene in the small town of Amatrice. The entire historical centre of the town had collapsed, burying hundreds of people under the rubble. I could hear people’s screams of help from underneath the collapsed houses. I saw dead babies pulled from under the rubble in front of my eyes. It was one of the most heartbreaking scenes I have ever witnessed.
I stayed in the area for a while and returned several times in the days and weeks to come. I interviewed survivors, families that had lost their loved ones, rescue workers, priests, and the local authorities.

I did several live transmissions for both TV and radio, produced TV and radio packages, took photos, wrote articles and produced longer TV features.
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